Announcement of material changes in voting rights - L.3556/2007
Lamda Development SA (the Company) announces in accordance with the Athens Exchange Regulation, law 3556/2007 and Regulation 596/2014/EU, each as applicable, that pursuant to the TR1 notification dated 27 July 2020 and submitted by Brevan Howard Capital Management Limited (BHCML), with registered office in Jersey, authorised and regulated by Jersey Financial Services Commission, the following persons, i.e. Brevan Howard TN Macro Master Fund Limited (BTN), Brevan Howard Master Fund Limited (BHM) καιBrevan Howard Multi-Strategy Master Fund Limited (BMS) and Mr Tryfon Natsis and Ms Despoina Natsis held on 24 Ιουλίου 2020 in total 11,233,029 common shares with voting rights in the Company, i.e., 6.36% of the total number of shares and voting rights in the Company. It is clarified in the aforementioned notification that BHCML manages BHM, BTN and BMS funds, which in total owned on 24 July 2020 2.8291% of the voting rights in the Company and Mr Tryfon Natsis and Ms Despoina Natsis owned at the same date 3.5267% of the voting rights in the Company. Mr Tryfon Natsis and Ms Despoina Natsis are linked to BHCML, so as the combined control and ownership by BHCML and Mr Tryfon Natsis and Ms Despoina Natsis crossed the threshold that must be notified. BHM, BTN and BMS funds are Cayman based and have their own board of directors. Each of these funds is beneficially owned by feeder funds, one Cayman based and one Delaware based. These feeder funds, which have the same boards of directors as BHM, BTN and BMS, are beneficially owned by the investors within the feeder funds.BHM, BTNandBMShaveappointedBHCMLasmanager. Tryfon and Despina Natsis own shares in the Company in their joint account. Tryfon is a Co-Founder of Brevan Howard and has investment discretion in the BHM, BTN and BMS funds.