Announcement of regulated information according to Law 3556/2007
Maroussi, 15 July 2022
LAMDA Development S.A. (the “Company”) in accordance with the provisions of Law 3556/2007 and the article 19 of the Regulation 596/2014/EU and after relevant notifications, announces that the following persons acquired common, bearer bonds, due to their participation to the public offering of the Company’s bonds, on 13.07.2022 (commencement date of the bonds trading) as follows:
• Mr. Anastasios Giannitsis, Chairman of the Company’s BoD, acquired 65 common, bearer bonds, and for a total consideration of 65,000€.
• Mr. Evangelos Chronis, Vice Chairman of the Company’s BoD, acquired 49 common, bearer bonds, and for a total consideration of 49,000€.
• Mr. Odisseas Athanasiou, CEO of the Company, acquired 25 common, bearer bonds, and for a total consideration of 25,000€.
• Mr. Theodoros Gavriilidis, Chief Investment Officer, acquired 16 common, bearer bonds, and for a total consideration of 16,000€.
• FASMA ENERGY LTD acquired 49 common, bearer bonds, and for a total consideration of 49,000€. FASMA ENERGY LTD is pursuant to the provisions of article 3, par.1 (26) of the Regulation 596/2014/EU, a legal person closely associated with Mrs. Melina Paizi, Chief Development and Investment Portfolio Officer.