Announcement of significant developments
Further to the announcement dated 18/10/19 (issued in response to a relevant question), the société anonyme with the corporate name "LAMDA Development Holding and Real Estate Development Société Anonyme" and the distinctive title "LAMDA DEVELOPMENT S.A.", with registered offices in Maroussi, at no. 37A Kifissias Ave, with reg. no. in the General Commercial Register (GEMI) 003379701000 (the "Company"), wishes to make th following announcement:
All the procedures provided under the Memorandum of Understanding, whereby the National Bank of Greece S.A. ("NBG") had expressed its intention to contribute and lawfully participate in the issuance process of a Presidential Decree (P.D.), for the approval of the City Building Plan for the area where "The Mall Athens" is situated, have been successfully completed. To this end, in application of the relevant provisions of the P.D. which has already been issued (G.G. 91D/29.02.2020), L.O.V. S.M.S.A. paid the amount of 11,000,000 Euros, which corresponds to the fair value of the properties (situated in the aforementioned area) and the total claim held by NBG from the sale price owed to it by the subsidiary of the Municipality of Amaroussion (ATHMONO SA).