LAMDA Hellix first to sign EU Code of Conduct for Data Centers in South East Europe

LAMDA Hellix, recently awarded as the Best Regional Data Center Operator 2009 in Europe, announces, that is the first company in South East Europe and one of the first in Europe to sign, after successful evaluation, the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centers both as Participant and Endorser.

The EU Code of Conduct for Data Centers was developed in response to the increasing energy consumption globally in Data Centers (over 85% increase to 104TWh per annum in 2020 in Europe) and the need to reduce the related environmental, economic and energy supply security impact. The EU Code of Conduct for Data Centers is a code of Best Practices, Design and Metrics Methods in Data Centers. Its aim is to inform and stimulate Data Centre operators, owners and their supply chain to reduce energy consumption in a cost effective manner without hampering the critical function by building awareness, development of practical voluntary commitments and supporting effective decision making.

Apostolos Kakkos, Founder and CEO of LAMDA Hellix pointed out: “LAMDA Hellix is the Leading Provider of Certified Neutral World-Class Data Center Services in South East Europe and operates some of the Greenest Data Centers in the World. Being the first operator in South East Europe and one of the first in Europe, to sign the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centers, proves our constant commitment towards world-class standards both on our Operations and CSR and guarantees our clienteles world-class level throughout all of our services”